Test your listening: A Journey of Independence: From Home to a Foreign Land – Level D1/D2

Mulher aguardando seu voo no aeroporto.

At the age of 19, I made the courageous decision to step out of the comfort of my parents’ home in Brazil and venture into the unknown by moving to Brighton, England. Thankfully, I was already proficient in English, a skill that undoubtedly eased the initial challenges of navigating a new country. I opted for a cozy apartment in the heart of Brighton, immersing myself in the vibrant energy of the city.

One of the first hurdles I encountered was adjusting to the British way of life. Simple cultural nuances, like the importance of queuing and the ubiquitous love for tea, initially caught me by surprise. However, the kindness and politeness of the locals quickly made me feel welcome. I also discovered a sense of community among fellow Brazilians in Brighton, providing a familiar touch in a foreign land.

The British educational system presented another set of obstacles. The terminology and grading system differed significantly from what I was accustomed to in Brazil. Yet, armed with determination and supported by my fellow international students, I managed to overcome these challenges and excel in my studies. This experience not only broadened my academic horizons but also deepened my understanding of cultural diversity.

Living in a bustling city like Brighton had its own rhythm, and adapting to it was both exciting and challenging. The vibrant nightlife, the eclectic mix of people, and the rich history of the city all contributed to a unique and enriching experience. Exploring the local markets, parks, and seaside added layers to my cultural understanding, making Brighton feel like a second home.

While the initial stages of independence were undoubtedly challenging, the journey shaped me into a more self-reliant and open-minded individual. Navigating the complexities of a new country, from cultural nuances to academic systems, taught me valuable life skills that went beyond the confines of a classroom. Overall, the decision to move to Brighton at 19 was a pivotal moment that not only expanded my horizons but also laid the foundation for a lifelong appreciation of diverse cultures and experiences.

Quiz: Let’s check what you remember!

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